Jason Bryk

Phone: 204.956.3510

Fax: 204.957.0227

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  Real Estate Law

Information and insight into the Winnipeg and Manitoba real estate sector, and real estate law in Canada

  The Brown Papers

The Manitoba real estate papers of the late Edward (Ned) Brown from 2000 - 2020

  Lenders & Borrowers

Current developments in finance in Manitoba


Welcome to www.manitobarealestatelawyer.com .


Written by Jason Bryk a Winnipeg lawyer at Pitblado Law practicing in the areas of Corporate/Commercial Law with an emphasis on real estate law, condominium law, secured lending and borrowing, and real estate development, www.manitobarealestatelawyer.com provides insight, information and commentary on real estate, finance and condominium issues in Manitoba. To read more about Jason click here.

Latest News from Our Blog

Pre-Incorporation Contracts: A Trap for the Unwary

January 2020

In the past, it was legally impossible for a corporation to be a party to an agreement where the agreement was entered into on behalf of the corporation prior to the incorporation of the corporation. So if "A", being a developer and promoter of an anticipated business venture, entered into a contract with "B" in connection with that business venture, and "A" did so on behalf of - and in...

The Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Act (Manitoba)

December 2003

OnFebruary 19, 2002, the Act and its regulation (MR 28/2002) came into force.  The objective of the Act is to eliminate or suppress certain specified activities in and about properties, including in particular, but not exclusively limited to, residential properties.  These include use of a property for the consumption or sale of alcohol illegally, the consumption and sale of...

Early Payment of Sale Proceeds

September 2012

With the availability of title insurance, which permits a virtual immediate release of the proceeds of sale on the closing of a real estate purchase and sale transaction (such availability being of relatively recent vintage), and, with purchase financing lenders who are prepared to permit the lawyer acting for a purchaser and such lender to release financing proceeds to the seller's lender...